
Saturday, March 20, 2004

washingtonpost.com: Off the Mark on Cost of War, Reception by Iraqis 

David Gregory has a long piece at MSNBC.com looking at Iraq in relation to the campaign, arguing that, while it poses problems, at this opint it still breaks this way. It includeds a "fact file" on claims about WMD and what has been found that is incredible -- in instances where all experts agree, but the Bushies doggedly insist they are right (e.g., aluminum tubes for nukes), it presents as fact that there is still uncertainty. Anyway, Milbank and the Post provide something of an antidote to that sort of striving-for-balance-by-ignoring-credibility crap here.

Oops, part. MMCCDV 

Someone ought to keep a running total of the number of times DHS and DoJ have claimed to have broken a "terror" case and subsequently done headstands to avoid eating crow.

No big surprise, but 

every additional source that corroborates an Iraq obsession helps to make the case that this war was trumped up.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mysterious Fax Adds to Intrigue Over the Medicare Bill's Cost 

Evidence that this administration will do anything to win sure isn't hard to come by.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Cracking down on anonymous sources . . . 

doesn't actually mean there will be less use of anonymous sources.

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