Saturday, February 28, 2004 Cashing In Fed Credibility To Campaign Workers' Rights Are Being Rolled Back
If you read deep in the story, the denial . . .
is not as strong as one has been led to believe: "But Shahed, who is The Nation's Peshawar bureau chief and not its editor, denied telling Iranian radio that bin Laden had been captured.
'I never said this,' Shahed said in a telephone interview with AP's Islamabad bureau. 'But I have for the last year been saying that he is not far away. He is within their (the Americans') reach, and they can declare him arrested any time.'"
'I never said this,' Shahed said in a telephone interview with AP's Islamabad bureau. 'But I have for the last year been saying that he is not far away. He is within their (the Americans') reach, and they can declare him arrested any time.'"
Deficits don't really matter, so long as we're helping rich people . . . er, bombing people in other countries
darn, there must be some good way of explaining this: "CBO: Bush budget to cause $2.75T deficits"
Friday, February 27, 2004
John Kerry's Defense Defense - Setting his voting record straight.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Do you believe this?!
I believe it, yeah, I really do
That renegade Denny Hastert doesn't care what the president wants: "The president supports the extension but Republican leaders in Congress oppose it. House Speaker Dennis Hastert has cited a need to quickly have the panel's recommendations on how to improve the nation's security."
Yeah, right. That's why he complained loudly about the "commission" investigating intelligence failures re: Iraq not issuing it's report until after the election. How dumb do they think we all are? Or don't they care if we know they're lying through their teeth? Could be they figure their own supporters are too gullible to connect the dots, which is one explanation for how they could support these slimeballs.
Yeah, right. That's why he complained loudly about the "commission" investigating intelligence failures re: Iraq not issuing it's report until after the election. How dumb do they think we all are? Or don't they care if we know they're lying through their teeth? Could be they figure their own supporters are too gullible to connect the dots, which is one explanation for how they could support these slimeballs.
Gentlemen, start your engines . . . Let the culture wars resume
Apparently W and his brain have decided that pandering to their base is good election year politics -- why else would they oppose legislation that would produce the same result (increased penalties for the limited nuber of federal crimes resulting in the termination of a pregnancy) without conferring legal status on fetuses?
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Senate Intelligence Committee chief makes it all clear
How can a despot without WMDs be more dangerous than one with them?: "Roberts told reporters that 'everybody would have some second thoughts' about the rationalization for war, but he believes that Saddam posed a national security threat, 'in some ways even more dangerous' than expected, due to the deterioration of his leadership."
I see, the real reason for invading was that Saddam's hold on Iraq was weakening, which I guess meant that he was more likely to use those WMDs that he didn't have. Pat Roberts & Intelligence -- tehy go together like fish and stuffing.
I see, the real reason for invading was that Saddam's hold on Iraq was weakening, which I guess meant that he was more likely to use those WMDs that he didn't have. Pat Roberts & Intelligence -- tehy go together like fish and stuffing.
Where did Chris Matthews get this bozo? Go figure
I don't know about you, but I don't look at the Wisconsin figures reported and think, Boy, they're all over the place. Instead, I read it and think, buy, you really didn't have a column, did you? And you're really trying to help out ol' W, aren't you?
Monday, February 23, 2004 Controversial Terror Research Lives On
'NY Times' Fails to Acknowledge Its Role in WMD Hype
'NY Times' Fails to Acknowledge Its Role in WMD Hype: The SCLM strikes again
As a reward for a job well done . . .
Sunday, February 22, 2004
Disenchanted Bush Voters Consider Crossing Over
Disenchanted Bush Voters Consider Crossing Over: "While sharing a sandwich at the stylish Beachwood Mall in this Cleveland suburb, one older couple -- a judge and a teacher -- reluctantly divulged their secret: though they are stalwarts in the local Republican Party, they are planning to vote Democratic this year.
'I feel like a complete traitor, and if you'd asked me four months ago, the answer would have been different,' said the judge, after assurances of anonymity. 'But we are really disgusted. It's the lies, the war, the economy. We have very good friends who are staunch Republicans, who don't even want to hear the name George Bush anymore.'"
'I feel like a complete traitor, and if you'd asked me four months ago, the answer would have been different,' said the judge, after assurances of anonymity. 'But we are really disgusted. It's the lies, the war, the economy. We have very good friends who are staunch Republicans, who don't even want to hear the name George Bush anymore.'"
Perhaps they'll go after Coulter, Hannity, and the gang, too
It's a start: "Kerry Decries Bush Over Attacks on Record"